Accountability Gap Research Paper

Accountability Gap Research Paper

Everyone who has ever been involved in an enterprise-wide implementation has quickly discovered what we call the Accountability Gap. This gap can be described in several ways, such as the difference between knowing and doing, reporting versus tracking, talking versus communicating, delegating versus empowering, motivating versus engaging…the list goes on.Accountability Gap Research Paper The gap describes the difference between what you really intend to have happen in the organization and what people are actually doing.

Every organization or team faces the dilemma of the Accountability Gap. In fact, there are probably some significant gaps that you are dealing with today in your own work. These gaps in performance extract a price that can be measured not only in terms of organizational efficiency and effectiveness, but in terms of progress towards achieving results.

When Accountability Gaps persist unchecked, they create what we call in our book, How Did That Happen? Holding People Accountable for Results The Positive, Principled Way, a Phantom Reality. That is, we begin to believe in our own inaccurate description of how things really are. When you operate under the assumptions of a Phantom Reality, your inaccurate view of “how things really are” can cause you to make the wrong decision, solve the wrong problem and move in the wrong direction. Phantom Realities frequently lead to wasted time and effort and almost always impede people from achieving the intended result.

One organization we worked with had one of the most sophisticated performance management systems we had ever seen. Individual goals and objectives were tied directly to organizational strategy. Everyone in the company could link their individual work priorities to the goals of the Chairman of the company. They even had a system people used for implementing counter-measures when goals were in jeopardy of being missed. However, a survey of the top leadership group revealed that people broadly believed that the results the organization needed to achieve were unclear, that individual goals were not really connected to organizational goals and that the counter-measure plan was not being utilized as intended. While the leaders knew there was a gap, they had underestimated the significance of that gap.

By definition, when an organization experiences an Accountability Gap it means that people are just going through the motions. There is a difference between activity and results, and that difference measures the price we pay in terms of effectiveness. Every leadership team should conduct an Accountability Gap Analysis to determine where their gaps are, how significant they are and which are most important to close first.Accountability Gap Research Paper

Creating A Culture Of Accountability addresses the gaps as people take greater ownership, buy-in and invest, operate Above The Line and truly engage in moving the organization forward. We all know these gaps exist and may be caught in the trap hoping a dose of tenacity and repetition over time will make things better. This is a fallacy that can sabotage almost every effort to move the organization forward. Closing the Accountability Gaps should be a priority for every leadership team. To learn more about creating greater accountability for results, go to

Accountability tops the list of management challenges in many organizations.  But most leaders are approaching the issue from a compliance standpoint instead of as a motivational issue. That’s a mistake.

As Scott Blanchard, principal and executive vice president with The Ken Blanchard Companies shares in the company’s January Ignite newsletter, “You cannot crack the whip enough, or hold someone accountable enough, to achieve the kind of results you can if, instead, you focus on helping people understand the vision, care about it deeply, and see themselves as a part of it.”

In Blanchard’s experience, leaders who create that kind of alignment don’t have to worry about accountability. Instead, employees will start holding the leader accountable to clear the way and help employees get things done.Accountability Gap Research Paper




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Alignment Can Be A Challenge

In Performance Management: Putting Research into Action, author and consultant William Schiemann shares the results of a Metrus Group survey that identifies six gaps that get in the way of organization alignment. While each factor on its own contributes to a portion of the problem, the cumulative effect is staggering—only 14% of the organizations Schiemann polled reported that their employees have a good understanding of their company’s strategy and direction.

Strategies for Closing the Gap

For leaders looking to close the alignment gap in their organizations, Schiemann recommends seven key steps:

  1. Develop a clear, agreed-on vision and strategy.
  2. Translate the vision and strategy into clear, understandable goals and measures.
  3. Include and build passion for the vision, strategy, goals among those who are implementing them.Accountability Gap Research Paper
  4. Provide clarity regarding individual roles and requirements and link them across the organization.
  5. Make sure that people have the talent, information, and resources to reach the goals.
  6. Give clear, timely feedback on goal attainment.
  7. Provide meaningful incentives to encourage employees to develop or deploy sufficient capabilities to achieve the goals.

Impact Mapping

One of the tools that Blanchard uses to begin closing the gap is an “impact map” that creates a clear line-of-sight between an individual employee’s work and the overall goals of the organization.

“When people understand where their organization is going—including the role they play in it—they step up, work less selfishly and they tend to make better business decisions on behalf of the company. That’s because they can see the impact of every decision and how it impacts overall results.”

For managers looking to set and achieve goals more effectively in the coming year, John Hester, a senior consulting partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies, recommends a three-step process.

  • Approach goal setting as a partnership. This is something to be done in partnership with your team member. It should be a collaborative process. So the manager needs to know what the employee’s key areas of responsibility are, what is expected in the role, and what they want to see in terms of performance.Accountability Gap Research Paper The key is to have that discussion with the employee.
  • Identify why a particular goal is motivating. What difference does it make in the organization, or to the team, or to the individual employee? Sometimes all people need to know is why the task is important. The “why” explains how the person’s task fits in with overall job performance and the goals and objectives of the unit, division, organization, and customer. It clarifies how the task supports higher-level outcomes.
  • Diagnose competence and commitment levels. It’s important that a manager find out about experience with a specific task and then partner with the employee to determine what they need in terms of direction and support to be successful with this particular assignment.Accountability Gap Research Paper

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